Imagine Van Gogh being born before the technologies of cheap oil paints. 想像梵谷生在廉价油彩的科技之前。
But cheap oil may yet do more damage. 但便宜的石油还可能会带来更多伤害。
Cheap oil ought to do wonders for demand. It should also allay concerns about current account deficits. 廉价石油应当能起到提振需求的奇迹般效果,也应当会缓解经常账户赤字引发的担忧。
A falling euro and cheap oil have even prompted economic stirrings. 欧元贬值和廉价的石油甚至促进了经济活动。
Cheap oil is a boon. 廉价石油是一个福音。
Some parts of the clean energy industry, such as biofuels, may face a greater risk from cheap oil. 清洁能源产业中的个别领域,比如生物能源,遭受低油价冲击的风险可能更大。
An era of cheap oil and dollar strength should prove a boon for a country that imports shiploads of commodities and wants exports to cushion a growth slowdown. 对一个进口大量大宗商品、并希望用出口缓冲经济增长放缓的国家,油价低廉和美元走强的时代本来应该是一大福音。
One caveat is that cheap oil may lead to pockets of excess. 一个警告是,廉价石油或许会导致市场出现泡沫。
While circumstances are never exactly the same, and the impact of cheap oil can be difficult to isolate from other economic factors, the broad consequence in each of these instances was the same: They stimulated global economic growth. 虽然情况并非完全相同,而且廉价石油带来的影响很难与其他经济因素分离开来,每次下跌带来的广泛后果都是相同的:刺激了全球经济的发展。
Cheap oil could be vital to Li Ka-shing keeping control of his empire. 低廉的石油价格可能是李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)保有其商业帝国控制权的关键因素。
Russia and Ukraine, cheap oil, volatile currency markets, deflation, terrorism and even Switzerland are unsettling the global economy and sowing nervousness among the people attending the forum, many of them bankers or investors. 俄乌关系、低油价、动荡的货币市场、通货紧缩、恐怖主义乃至瑞士都在扰乱全球经济,并在出席本次论坛的人们心中植入了不安。
But just as the industrial revolution was built on coal, the post-second-world-war economy was built on cheap oil. 但是,如同煤奠定了工业革命之基,廉价石油奠定了二战后的世界经济之基。
Global greenhouse gas emissions have skyrocketed over the past few decades on the back of relatively cheap oil, but as the price rises, it pays to decarbonize, and the climate will benefit. 但是,油价上涨就有利于减少二氧化碳气体的排放,将有助气候的改善。
Cheap energy, specifically cheap oil, quite literally fueled this record economic expansion. 廉价的能源,特别是廉价的石油,确实促成了空前的经济高涨。
Shoppers are rushed to a hospital in southwestern China after fighting to get their hands on cheap cooking oil at a Carrefour supermarket in Changing over a week ago. 一个星期前,许多购物者大肆疯抢在重庆家乐福超市低价食用油,踩伤数人,之后伤者被匆忙推进了中国西南部的一家医院。
It was a cheap substitute for whale oil, which was becoming harder to get. 它是鲸油的一种便宜的替代品,而鲸油正变得越来越难以获得。
Kenya claimed ownership of the cargo but the manifest suggests its destination was south Sudan, with Kenya's co-operation in its delivery to be rewarded in the future with cheap south Sudanese oil. 肯尼亚声称他们拥有这些货物的所有权,但运单上却显示目的地是南苏丹,肯尼亚只是在运输过程中有着合作的关系,在将来可能得到便宜的南苏丹原油来做为奖赏。
At the same time, the International Energy Agency ( IEA) says the era of cheap oil is over and prices could soon be back up to$ 100 a barrel. 与此同时,世界能源组织宣称低价油的时代已经结束,油价不久就会回升到每桶100美元。
And if the objective of America's interventions in the Middle East was to obtain privileged access to cheap oil, then they have been signally unsuccessful. 此外,如果说美国插手中东事务的目的是获取廉价石油的专享权,那么他们显然未获成功。
What Can Replace Cheap Oil& and When? 什么东西可以替代廉价石油,什么时候?
Coal is plentiful and, despite the surge in coal prices this year, still relatively cheap compared with gas and oil. 煤的储量丰富,而且,尽管煤价今年高涨,但与油气价格相比,仍相对低廉。
Screening and Identification of Strains for Producing Cheap Oil Favorite Lipase 廉价油脂青睐型脂肪酶产生菌株的筛选及其鉴定
The world is farther than it thought from running out of oil, but perhaps closer to running out of cheap oil than recent headlines about major discoveries suggest. 这个世界距离石油枯竭的日子,比先前预期的远了一点;但距离廉价石油耗尽的日子,可能并不像最近有关新油田的报道所认为的那么远。
Using Cheap Plant Oil to Produce Diesel Fuel Alternatives 利用廉价植物油研制代用柴油的研究
This paper introduces proccess producing 1032 Melamine alkyd impregnating varnish by using cheap soybean oil acid instead linseed Oil. Therefore the cost of melamine impregnating varnish is reduced more. 论文介绍了以廉价的豆油酸代替亚麻油研制1032三聚氰胺醇酸浸渍漆的工艺方法,该方法大大降低了1032浸渍漆的成本。
Utilization of cheap hydrogen in lube oil hydrotreating 润滑油馏分加氢工艺中廉价氢气的利用
This paper produces a high efficiency and cheap inorganic gel oil displacement agent suitable for low permeability, fractured reservoir. 介绍一种适合低渗透、裂缝性油藏的高效廉价的三次采油用剂。
A new cheap emulsified oil is developed with sodium heavy alkyl benzene sulfonate as the main emulsifying agent. 研制了一种以重烷基苯磺酸钠为主要乳化剂的低成本液压乳化油;
After Middle East oil reserves were discovered, oil prices had been fixed at around$ 1 a barrel in the United States. And the public had come to believe that cheap oil was inexhaustible. 在中东勘探出大量的石油储备之后,中东的石油价格一直固定在每桶1美元左右,在美国,人们一直相信廉价的石油是用之不尽,取之不竭的。
Rice bran is an abundant renewable and cheap sources of edible oil, which can be pressed or extracted or through other methods to obtain crude rice bran oil. 米糠是一种量大可再生的廉价食用油源,通过压榨或浸出等方法获得米糠毛油。